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Client Case Studies

The joy is in the impact & outcomes.

Check out some client-partner case studies
Emotional Intelligence Learning and Development
DSD Usage: Platform, Dedicated Support
The Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence (DGEI) courses provide online learning journeys for developing and deepening the 12 essential Emotional Intelligence (EI) skills identified in Dr. Goleman’s EI model. 
The Challenge:
After redesigning Daniel Goleman’s flagship emotional intelligence (EI) training program to be more accessible to learners worldwide for personal and professional development, the DGEI team searched for the right learning platform partner to launch the updated training program. 
They wanted a collaborative partner who could: 

Share their vision for empowering others to realize their inner capacity and potential through purpose-driven learning and development that serves as a force for good.
Enable a dynamic and empathic learner experience that could flexibly adapt as their program evolves to meet the growing needs of individual learners, teams, and organizations — centered on human connection.
Deliver versatile learning modalities to support their core learning cycle model (Learn, Apply, Reflect) and blend synchronous and asynchronous formats (facilitated Live Zoom sessions + online modules).
Invest in their mutual success through hands-on support, proactive communication, and an iterative feedback loop.
The Solution:
After evaluating a range of options, The Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence team found the right partner in Dream See Do (DSD). We launched the flagship course with built-in learner feedback mechanisms to dial in on precisely what our learners said worked well, what didn’t, and areas for enhancing the learner experience. As we continue to iterate on our course — and launch new ones —

“DSD has proven to be a powerful learning space that can balance our need for out-of-the-box functionality and white-label customizations, with versatile engagement features. As a collaborative partner, DSD has been responsive and supportive throughout our journey of growth and evolution.”

Results with DSD
Expanded bilingual EI course catalog
Supported hundreds of EI learners from all over the world
98% of learners reported the EI lessons were relevant to their work
Empowering Adult Learners
DSD Usage: Platform, Integrations, Onboarding & Design Coaching, and Dedicated Support. 
LWT aspires to make teaching and learning easy and fun by providing superior early literacy solutions, combined with high-quality professional learning and innovative, multi-sensory materials for educators and families.
The Challenge:
LWT spent nearly a year on due diligence to identify a platform and a partner that would provide leading LMS/LXP capabilities. In addition, they sought a partner that would listen to their needs and offer the agility to allow them to start small, while providing the capacity to help them progressively transform their conception of effective professional learning and scale and grow with them over time.
The Solution:
LWT selected DSD to support those challenges and needs. In Year 1, they invested in learning all about the DSD functionalities to enable them to build flexible professional learning opportunities and streamline how they plan and manage the process with and for their participants, from registration through knowledge checks and certificates of completion.

Through a dynamic and elevated onboarding process with the DSD team, they were able to swiftly design and create templates to organize relevant content and provide enhanced engagement and collaboration opportunities. The teams worked together to set up Single Sign-On and integrations between DSD and LWT’s Customer Relationship Management and Marketing systems. LWT learned how to set up and establish the processes needed to streamline access, reporting, and ongoing communication flows with their learners.

LWT content developers appreciate the intuitive design tools. Their operational teams are getting learners online, prepared, and ready to engage. Facilitators enjoy getting to know participants, building learning communities, and activating background knowledge prior to live learning sessions. Learners are connecting with each other in meaningful ways and easily accessing timely resources. Stakeholders across teams are beginning to view and discuss results to fuel progressive improvements to content and process and to guide appropriate next steps along learning paths.

Looking ahead, LWT will be expanding their use of DSD engagement functionalities and formative assessment capabilities. They will be further optimizing workflows and reporting. They’ve started planning to create a next-gen resource repository that will be available as a curated self-service tool, in order to meet the just-in-time needs of their learners. They will also be exploring the DSD coaching features to provide additional job-embedded teacher support. LWT is excited about these next steps with DSD!
Results with DSD
Reached 4,255 educators in 306 learning sessions in year 1
68% of learners returned for resources after a live session
Content developers praised intuitive design tools
Transformational Storytelling
DSD Usage: Platform, Deep Integrations,
Learning Design and Dedicated Support
PowerSpeaking transforms people’s speaking skills and their businesses. For 30+ years, people have followed their techniques to engage audiences, connect with customers, and get buy-in for product ideas.
The Challenge:
PowerSpeaking spent years seeking the right technology tools to scale their powerful work, while living up to the quality of their in-person training. As they struggled to find the right solution, they were forced to cobble together a cumbersome combination of digital tools.
The Solution:
From the first demo, PowerSpeaking found a partner in Dream See Do that truly understood their needs and long term vision. A growing thought leader with a roster of A+ clients, PowerSpeaking needed a high quality blended training environment that would match their expertise and live up to the expectations of their audience. 

After working diligently with DSD to outline their nearterm and future needs, PowerSpeaking launched a powerful pilot to help leaders within Salesforce become better storytellers. This pilot helped PowerSpeaking win a competitive bid over seven other companies, growing their work within Salesforce and across their portfolio of Fortune 500 clients.
Results with DSD
Secured contract with Fortune 500 company
Expanded revenue by 10x with this program
90% positive feedback from participants
Coaching Leaders
Through Crisis
DSD Usage: Platform, Immersive
White Label & Design Coaching 
We Are Open Circle is a social impact organization that enables people and organizations to change the world by helping them become better collaborative decision makers, able to navigate their work relationships between power, process and action.
The Challenge:
We Are Open Circle (WOC) wanted a platform that matched their unique approach to leadership training & coaching. They desired a true partner that understood and cared about their needs. After a long and exhaustive search, they met our co-founder, Jeremy.
The Solution:
From the moment we had our first call with the founders of WOC,  an immediate bond was formed. Not only could we meet their platform needs, but we discovered that DSD was deeply aligned with their  values and approach– both organizations strive to impact humanity through learning and development. This made goal-setting and collaboration smooth.

By leveraging DSD’s features and design principles in their first major training and coaching deployment on Dream See Do, WOC was able to manifest their vision for leadership transformation through their seminal program called ‘Beyond Listening’.
Results with DSD
Launched flagship program
9.4 out of 10 avg NPS score
Client inbounds up 5x
Create weekly practice sessions, skill-building exercises, or year long, blended certificate programs. Ditch passive learning experiences and re-imagine what's possible online.
Trauma Informed Leadership
& Organizations
DSD Usage: Training, Strategy and Design Coaching
CBH works with leaders, schools, community organizations, and other professionals to coordinate comprehensive care, and training & coaching for areas in of mental health.
The Challenge:
Like many of their peers, CBH was faced with a sudden need to go digital during COVID. They needed to adapt their primarily in person work to a digital and blended environment without causing a vast interruption in service. 
The Solution:
In deciding to deepen their existing work on Dream See Do, CBH leveraged our partnership to create new models of learning, training and pricing for their school district clients. Within weeks of implementing this strategy and growth plan, CBH hired the DSD team to help them co-design six new programs on Trauma and PTSD for their school partners. 

The work was an immediate hit with their clients. Not only were they grateful that CBH was able to pivot so quickly to serve their needs, but they sang their praises for the platform and they way such vital content was delivered.
Results with DSD
Launched Trauma Informed Teaching program
Received 100% positive reviews
300% increase in blended program sales
Mindfulness In Schools
DSD Usage: Platform, Training and Design Coaching
MindKind is a mindful leadership development company, serving and coaching some of the most influential and highly elevated leaders, teams and organizations.
The Challenge:
Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) saw a steep rise in depression, stress and trauma among students, teachers, and their larger school community. MindKind needed to meet the district's need for increased capacity among their leaders.  
The Solution:
MindKind worked in partnership with AUHSD leaders to develop Mindful Leadership programming that aligned to the specific needs and initiatives of the district. They used the Dream See Do platform to provide a 29-day online course to school leaders, including weekly video calls, a buddy system and a group support. 

Participants have consistently commented on how wonderful it is to have such a simple, yet powerful, learning container like Dream See Do to connect, share and do meaningful work with others.
Results with DSD
90% district
leadership participation
satisfaction rating
50% decline in measurable negative behaviors